Page name: Group 5.0 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-02 03:34:11
Last author: Ravendust
Owner: Ravendust
# of watchers: 4
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Group 2.0 and Group 4.0 combined.
group 5.0,part1


After everyone was asleep, the storm slowly moved away from the area. Luckily, they weren't attacked or disturbed through the stormy night and no one would wake up until morning. But now that it was about nine'o clock, the group started to stir.

Divya groaned and tried to open her eyes. In her groggy state, she failed to realize right away that she was cuddled up to Solomon all night. Stretching back as she yawned, Divya felt the weight over her shoulder. "Hm?" she lazily looked at her right to see someones hand over her shoulder. Her eyes jolted open and she turned her head like a bullet and looked at her other side only to see a groggy Solomon awaking as well. Divya was frozen for a moment, completely appalled and disgusted.

Solomon woke with the absence of whatever was keeping his shoulder warm. He glanced over sleepily, saw Divya curled up next to him, and immediately retracted his hand, scooching away from her quickly. "Um," He muttered. "S'cuse me."

"GLADLY." Divya coughed, scooting away quickly. She wanted nothing else but for them both to drop what happened last night. As she woke up a bit more, she started to recall exactly how much she broken down and opened herself up to him. Not to mention, the strange dream she had last night. But thank goodness it was only a dream. Divya got to her feet and brushed herself off. Her eyes caught sight of the splattered brains all over the wall and jolted her eyes back to Solomon. "So you're feeling better? I mean-" Divya was being too nice...what was THAT all about, "What I save your ass and don't even get a 'thank you?!' You arrogant prick!" Yea, that's better.   

Solomon grinned. "And a very good morning to you too," He replied easily, getting to his feet. He pushed his hand against the freshly healed scars on his chest thoughtfully. He wasn't sure how he was completely well again--he couldn't have been out THAT long. He glanced over and picked up the cross from the ground, which still had a lump of something on it. "Thanks, toots--I owe you one."

Opening her mouth to yell something at him, she stopped when she heard him thank her. Divya closed her mouth and paused for a moment, not exactly sure how to reply to that. Instead, she looked at the fleshly clump in his hand. "Oh- please tell me you aren't thinking about wearing that." she cringed.

Solomon tugged at the mass, which felt more like polished stone than meat. "I dunno," He replied thoughtfully. "What do you do with something that almost killed you?"

"Don't wear it. If it gets lodged again, it's going to rip through all of that scar tissue." Divya argued, "Just keep it in your pocket til we get out of this place." She looked around, "Where'd the German go?"

Solomon snickered. "What are the odds of that happening twice?" He looped the necklace around his neck and buttoned up his shirt. "Really silly, since it's ruined completely anyway," he muttered quietly to himself, looking at his bloodied shirt with dismay. He scanned the cavern for any signs of Todd. "Maybe he went further in," He said. "Look--the cave keeps going."

"Well what the hell were the odds of it happening once?!" Divya rolled her eyes and grabbed her helmet from a few feet away. Men... She couldn't see much down the cave, "Did you see him leave last night?" Divya was so worked up that she didn't even notice when Todd left with the body.

"Yeah, he was taking Emireth's body to be buried," Solomon said, and decided against wearing the bloodied shirt. He took it off and crossed the cave to the waterfall, trying to rinse some of the crusty brown stains out.

She started to feel a little stupid about last night. Did Solomon even remember how she acted and what he did? How he comforted her like that... The two even shared a 'moment' together, discussing secretaries and his wife and child. They had chatted until they both fell asleep in one anther's arms. Just recalling it sent unpleasant shivers up her spine. Would he bring it up again? Divya removed some dirt from her helmet, thinking it over.

In the other room of the cave, Todd had fallen asleep leaning against the cave wall, surely he would regret that with having a sore neck. He yawned, still tired. It had been a while since he had fallen asleep at night.

Leilani groaned and stirred, she'd fallen asleep without realizing and regretted it almost immediately. Her limbs were stiff and sore, and her clothes were still damp. She ran her fingers through tangled hair and stood slowly, attempting to stretch and relieve her muscles.

Solomon scrubbed at the stains half-heartedly and walked to the middle of the cave away from the thundering water when he head a groan further into the cave. He frowned and set the soaked shirt aside, one hand on the hilt of his gun as he walked further through the cave into the other room.

"Guten Morgen," Todd muttered, regretting moving to stand, "Are you feeling better Solomon?" He asked carefully, popping his back into allignment and shifting around his belt.

"Substantially," Solomon replied. "I see you've found a friend," He said, looking at Leilani. She might've been very beautiful if she didn't have the expression of a wet rat on her face.

Divya followed and stared wide eyed at the other female in the corner, "What the shit?! What you bury one and bring another back with you?!"

Leilani wasn't entirely certain how to reply to Divya's comment, though forced a smile, "Name's Leilani. I don't suppose either of you knows where exactly we are?" Her tone was flat and unemotional, guarded.

"Yes Divya I have t'at skill, didn't you notice?" He answered sarcastically, "She found me in the storm." Todd made a rude sound and turned to look away, glaring at the side of the cave.

"We are in a cave during prehistoric times. Did you managed to not see the dinosaurs?" the futuristic cop placed her hands on her hips. "I'm Divya." she said plainly. "Let me are from a different time and place too?"

Solomon glanced at Divya as she introduced herself without her captain's title. He leaned against the cavern wall and waited for Leilani's reply.

"I saw no dinosaurs." Leilani shook her head, clearly confused, "Prehistoric?" She tested the word on her tongue, "In either case, I suppose I am from a different era. And thinking upon it... It makes some sense." She indicated each of their choices of dress. She felt dizzy, the thought of not even being in her own time was somewhat a relief, and yet a frightening aspect. She sat back down, her legs feeling like jelly beneath her- just what was going on?

"You're lucky, then," Solomon said, having only just recovered from a prehistoric beast attack. "Hopefully you'll never see any."

Group 6.0 (Groups 3 and 5 combined)

Group 2.0
Group 4.0
And so it began

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2009-10-05 [Chel.]: Woot! Did someone let Raven know?

2009-10-05 [Chel.]: Oh- nevermind.

2009-10-05 [Aeolynn]: No, pnel and I took the innitiative. I put her to ownership tho

2009-10-05 [Ravendust]: which is totally fine :) I was gonna do it last night, but my brain was waaay out of it...

2009-10-05 [XxTsomexX]: ??

2009-10-07 [Chel.]: GHANDI POLICE?! HAHHAHAH!!!

2009-10-07 [Chel.]: Tsome better post soon... Divya is going to kick Emireth's ass if he doesn't get moving! lol

2009-10-07 [XxTsomexX]: XXD lol just did :)

2009-10-08 [Chel.]: What condition are the two in physically? Blood anywhere?

2009-10-08 [Ravendust]: Solomon's hurt, he's got some nice chest injuries from a sabertooth attack and his crucifix is also lodged in his chest. XD

2009-10-08 [Chel.]: WTF?! O_O

2009-10-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: lmao. He got stabbed once in the left shoulder and twice to the chest; his crucifix got buried in there by complete accident. He's alive because of his power. XD They're bandaged up with bits of Todd's cloak; the front of Solomon's shirt is likely absolutely soaked in blood(now dry); he's not bleeding anywhere at the moment.

2009-10-08 [Chel.]: Ack! Divya should've said something about that... ok, thanks!

2009-10-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: No worries; I should've mentioned it in my description. ^_^;;

2009-10-08 [Aeolynn]: lol... he said please let me sleep longer ><;

2009-10-08 [Chel.]: I know! But she doesn't.... :) Divya thinks he said something like " me"

2009-10-09 [Pnelma Tirian]: I thought Todd took his goggles off.

2009-10-09 [Aeolynn]: did he? >.>

2009-10-09 [Pnelma Tirian]: Barely making it to the edge, Todd collasped, tearing off his goggles and crying as the foliage cooled his face, "We made it... we... made it."

2009-10-09 [Aeolynn]: fixed it

2009-10-10 [Pnelma Tirian]: what? I thought Todd was involved in WWII.

2009-10-10 [Aeolynn]: ><; idk! sorry my mind is only half working right now...

2009-10-10 [Pnelma Tirian]: not really sure what to do from here.

2009-10-10 [Chel.]: ....sleep somewhere?
Maybe they wake up with pterodactiles around them? Idk... Unless they are skipped to another time period/place- idk.

2009-10-10 [Pnelma Tirian]: Maybe we should ask Ravendust. HEY GM-- WHAT NOW?!

2009-10-10 [Ravendust]: lol, well, you could do as Chel suggested and find a place to rest and reccuperate(I know I spelled that wrong ><;;)... Anyway, maybe we'll get another time shift and get Solomon to a doctor XD...

2009-10-10 [Chel.]: How wedged is this cross? Like... can you SEE the thing if you look at his chest?

2009-10-10 [Pnelma Tirian]: you can see the chain, but not the cross--the cross is pretty deep.

2009-10-10 [Chel.]: Oh... *cringe*

2009-10-10 [Aeolynn]: should we wait for tsome?

2009-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: hmm?? Im watching lol just not sure how to put Emireth in there...

2009-10-10 [Aeolynn]: he could be like.... Ewww. lol. That's how i would respond

2009-10-10 [Chel.]: Can Todd walk/run/move about?

2009-10-10 [Aeolynn]: yeah, he's fine.

2009-10-11 [Chel.]: We are all on and no one is posting dammit..

2009-10-11 [Chel.]: He turned the stick into a staff?

2009-10-11 [Aeolynn]: that;s what it sounded like

2009-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: he has a bo-staff lol that collapses in on itself to take the form of a small stick. Its for easy carrying. Its not a ligit stick from a tree... I just couldn't think of any other name to call it...

2009-10-11 [Aeolynn]: oh... oh i get it now lol

2009-10-11 [Pnelma Tirian]: I DECLARE POST FEST *party favor fweeeet!*

2009-10-11 [Aeolynn]: I'm getting in the shower soon so... yeah.

2009-10-11 [Chel.]: Tsome- typically they have to GET to the tree before climbing it.

2009-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: I didn't start climbing yet....

2009-10-11 [Aeolynn]: well tsome lol climb girl climb!

2009-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: *grumbles* I may be dropping out.

2009-10-11 [Aeolynn]: awwww why? u were doing fine ;_;

2009-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: Too much with school, and it seems some people are having troubles with my posts. That, and it is hard to jump into it after not being on for a day. It's senior year, I can't really get on much these days...

2009-10-12 [Pnelma Tirian]: Sorry, chel, a little bit of powerplaying :( I just want to keep things moving; lemme know if you want it changed.

2009-10-12 [Aeolynn]: I was waiting for Tsome to post, but if she wants to quit then this would be the best time to kill em

2009-10-12 [Chel.]: Sorry for turning her around? Heh! It's fine ;)

2009-10-12 [Chel.]: Tsome is ...quiting?

2009-10-12 [Pnelma Tirian]: true enough...:(

2009-10-12 [Aeolynn]: Seems like it. I'm waiting for comfirmation from her to continue

2009-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: No, its just that I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up... school is catching up to me and I can't get on all the time anymore... and this RP is moving a bit too fast for me to keep up with...

2009-10-12 [Chel.]: It's official then? You can write up that like... a dino ate you or something?

2009-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: XD I'm not 100% sure if I am dropping out completely or not... I might just ask to be put on a hiatus or something... saying that Emireth just mysteriously dissapeared... because he hasn't followed you guys yet.

2009-10-12 [Aeolynn]: well, maybe a dino can take you away, and later, you appear with a tamed dino?

2009-10-12 [Aeolynn]: Is Div talking to Todd?

2009-10-12 [Chel.]: Emireth... she is calling down into the forest.

2009-10-12 [Aeolynn]: oh ok, guess we should wait for tsome's answer

2009-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: Ughhhhhh... I might stay in, but you three always seem to forget I'm here XD lol

2009-10-12 [Ravendust]: I'm sure things can be slowed down a bit for you Tsome, hope you don't have to drop the RP, that would suck :(. If need be you can be put into Hiatus, like Anti was.

2009-10-13 [Pnelma Tirian]: We try not to! D:

2009-10-14 [Chel.]: Alright! Any suggestions for what will happen when the group wakes up? I assume looking for food is going to be a priority.

2009-10-14 [Aeolynn]: def top priority... we could always do JP and have brachiodinos eating from the tree they are in

2009-10-14 [Chel.]: Someone could probably jump to morning whenever you guys are ready.

2009-10-17 [Chel.]: You guys are so lazy...

2009-10-17 [Aeolynn]: Sorry Chel XD

2009-10-19 [Chel.]: *COUGH*

2009-10-19 [Aeolynn]: Translation: Crazy lady on a rampage in a tree in a damn desert... what have I done to deserve this?


2009-10-21 [Chel.]: Did we decide that we were going to be in a dinosaur era? Or since you guys came from the ice age and we came from the Cretaceous era should we currently be in a different one?

2009-10-21 [Aeolynn]: I've no idea. Originally we had just been put together in a normal, 1940's desert. So... >.o

2009-10-21 [Pnelma Tirian]: let's stick to the dinosaur era.

2009-10-21 [Chel.]: Aww sad Pnel... Laser guns are cool.... :(

2009-10-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: they are! but he knows laser guns through 50's pulp science fiction and so is not impressed.

2009-10-22 [Chel.]: Oh...I thought it was you telling me through Solomon that my version of the future is lame :P

2009-10-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: haha, no, I'm figuring out how to have different opinions than my characters so that they're not just me with a mask on.

2009-10-22 [Chel.]: Wait... Pnel, what the hell are they looking at? Dino-wise?

2009-10-22 [Pnelma Tirian]: psssh, I dunno. Triceratops?

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: Emireth and Todd? Cough?

2009-10-24 [Aeolynn]: hes running around trying to figure out how to get a suitiple container for water.

2009-10-24 [Chel.]: ....yeeaa....shouldn't you still rp that?

2009-10-24 [Pnelma Tirian]: yeah, srsly. Just cause we split up doesn't mean you guys can't rp.

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